Look For The Power LLC

Here is a solar motor that generates electricity using only a temperature difference , such as between sun and shade, as the fuel source.  Do you have any excess heat where you live that could put this to work?  This patented concept is inherently scalable.

Thornapple Room

Grand Valley State University 

* Augustin Mouchot (France), Aubrey Eneas (Boston and Pasadena, CA), and Frank Shuman (Philadelphia and Cairo, Egypt).  They all used steam, which is not required. 

​** Concentrated Solar Power plants (CSP) produce mechanical energy. They rely on molten salt to boil water, and their mirrors cover acres of ground.  See Ivanpah Solar in California for an example.

During the Industrial Revolution (1800's), several people built solar motors - devices that converted solar energy to mechanical power.  They pumped hundreds of gallons of water per minute, like a fire hydrant*.

Today, there are NO similar solar motors, anywhere in the world**.